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Sunday, June 24, 2007

10 Items or Less

If I had to calculate how many different foods I eat, it would certainly be a daunting task. It would have to number in the hundreds at least. Yet there are people who can calculate the number of foods they eat on just their fingers!

In the July issue of Gourmet, in the Good Living section, they state that 20% of Americans "live on a diet of ten foods or fewer. Among the most common choices? French fries, fried chicken, chocolate chip cookies and Kraft macaroni & cheese."

What an amazing statistic. It is difficult to imagine ever limiting myself to only 10 different foods. How boring that would be.

Gourmet did not provide any analysis for the reasons behind the statistic. Is it because these people cannot afford much food? Is it a psychological issue? Is it a matter of choice? Something to ponder.


  1. I can't imagine being that limited in my food choices. If I said my list was in the hundreds I would say that was a conservative estimate. Some people are just afraid to try new things and stick to what they deem safe and familiar. It's sad because they get cheated out of one of the great pleasures in life "Tasting the World".

  2. Hi Julie!
    Welcome to A Passionate Foodie and thanks for your comments. I have to agree with you that such people are being cheated of so much wonderful international foods. I may not go as far as Andrew Zimmerman, but I am very adventurous.

  3. HI Richard!

    What an interesting post. I cannot imagine being limited to that many foods either.

    I think a lot of folks in America are too busy to make foods of their own, so people are really addicted to processed foods.

    If people knew how to prepare more vegetables and whole grains it would probably not be any more expensive, but much healthier!

    I do think that organic foods and the like are not very accesible to all people in the US as it is very expensive, but even if you can't eat organic you should definately eat your veggies!!!

    People just need to hang out with their grandmas and learn the fundamentals of cooking!

    Oh, and welcome to the Foodie Blogroll! ;) :)
