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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

WBW #42: Just Seven Words

The theme for Wine Blogging Wednesday #42 has now been announced. Spittoon is hosting this month and has chosen an intriguing theme. You must review an Italian wine, of any time but hopefully something new and unique, but use only Seven Words.

Additional rules: "The finished tasting note must make sense, be grammatically correct(ish), punctuation will help of course. The wine name, type, producer, vintage do not have to be included in the 7. But a reference to aroma, flavour, length, food matching etc. should be considered. Inventiveness is the key."

You just post your review on Wednesday, February 13 and email him with a link to your review. If you don't have a blog, email her your tasting notes and she will be happy to publish them on her site and include it in the Round-Up.

This will certainly be a challenging theme but one I look forward to participating in. Won't you try it as well?


  1. I wonder if hyphenated words are okay.

    Look at me, already trying to get around it!

  2. Certainly an interesting question. Contractions should be valid, which will help save word count too.
