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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Stoneham Sun: Valentine Day Wine Recommendations

My new column of "A Passionate Foodie" can be found in the February 6 issue of the Stoneham Sun newspaper. This is a weekly column that concentrates on reviews of local restaurants though it may also touch on a few other food and wine topics.

The new column will be published tomorrow and is currently available online. The new column provides some recommendations for Valentine's Day wines, wines that will help set a romantic mood. Rapid Liquors of Stoneham and the OurGlass Wine Co. of Saugus have both contributed some wine recommendations. And I have provided some of my own as well.

If you have any questions or comments about my column, feel free to add them here. Next week, I present a restaurant review of a local Stoneham place.

Dine with passion!

1 comment:

  1. To Anonymous:
    Your posts were deleted because they had nothing to do with this post. This post is about Valentine's wines and has nothing to do with Casablanca.
