Important Info

Thursday, February 21, 2008

WBW #43: Comfort Wines

The theme for Wine Blogging Wednesday #43 has now been announced. Joel Vincent of Wine Life Today and the Open Wine Consortium is hosting this month and has chosen an interesting theme. You must review a Comfort Wines. Simply choose any wine that you love to unwind with, something that soothes you at the end of a long day. Not only describe the wine but also tell everyone what makes the experience special and comforting for you.

I believe you will post your review on Wednesday, March 5 (I corrected the date). Please email Joel with a link to your review. If you don't have a blog, email him your tasting notes and he will be happy to publish them on his site and include it in the Round-Up.

This will certainly be a fun theme and one I look forward to. Won't you participate as well?


  1. Speaking of deadlines, my Open That Bottle Night contest closed Wednesday. Don't know if you saw yet, but you won! I couldn't find your e-mail, so send me your shipping info, please.


  2. Thanks for the heads up on WBW. Now the hard part is narrowing down my comfort wine. Perhaps a Syrah and some cheese and crusty bread?
    Kathleen Lisson

  3. Wow, thanks Farley! I'll send you the info once I get back into town, maybe Sunday or Monday.
