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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stoneham Sun: Salem Wine Imports

My new column of "A Passionate Foodie" can be found in the March 19 issue of the Stoneham Sun newspaper. This is a weekly column that concentrates on reviews of local restaurants though it may also touch on a few other food and wine topics.

The new column has been published today and is also available online. The new column is a review of Salem Wine Imports, a new wine store in Salem. This is a small, boutique wine store with a good selection, wide range of price points and a passionate owner. Why not stop by and check it out.

If you have any questions or comments about my column, feel free to add them here.

Dine with passion!

1 comment:

  1. Have you considered the growing popularity of the albariño wines that originate from the Rias Baixas region in Spain?

    The wines from this region are starting to realize their potential to move beyond the traditional thought of pairing them with seafood. Newly discovered recipes and tasting notes can be found at

    You have a very informative site!
