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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stoneham Sun: Cachaca

My new column of "A Passionate Foodie" can be found in the September 17 issue issue of the Stoneham Sun newspaper. This is a weekly column that concentrates on reviews of local restaurants though it may also touch on a few other food and wine topics.

The new column has been published today and will soon be available online. The new column talks about Brazilian cachaca, similar to rum though made only from sugarcane juice. I also discuss my favorite cachaca, Beija.

If you have any questions or comments about my column, feel free to add them here.

Dine with passion.


  1. Curious as to what other Cachacas you have tried? Any from Salinas?

  2. I have tried the few Cachacas that are commonly available in wine/liquor stores (such as Lebron), and a couple more at restaurants, and am unsure if any of them were from Salinas or not.

  3. I will read this column soon. You are such a great and talented writer! Keep it up!
