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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shochu Article

I have been learning more and more about Shochu, a Japanese distilled liquor that is somewhat akin to vodka. You can check out my previous educational post about Shochu as well as my review of Satsuma Hozan Imo Shochu.

I also want to alert you to a news article about Shochu in the San Francisco Chronicle, "Move over vodka, here comes shochu." The article describes Shochu, as well as discussing its increased popularity in Japan and the San Francisco area. There are also recommendations for three different Japanese Shochu brands as well as an American made Shochu. Plus, there are a few Shochu recipes.

Check out this article and learn more about one of the next big things in the world of liquor!


  1. Hey Richard,
    Here in NY there are a ton of opportunities to participate in Sake tasting classes. Have you ever come across anything similar for shochu? I've seen occasional promotion events, but would be interested in participating in more of a class setting.

  2. Hi,
    No, I have not seen any Shochu classes offered anywhere, though it would be good to see them.
