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Friday, November 14, 2008

Domaine547's Wine Spectator Top Ten Contest

I won some wine which is always a very good thing!

Jill of Domaine547, one of my favorite online wine retailers and a fellow wine blogger, held a contest in which she asked people to try to guess the Wine Spectator's Top Ten Wines of 2008. The winner, whoever guessed the most wines correctly, would win six wines that scored under 90 points. These are all perfectly good wines, just ones that did not receive as much love from the professional print wine media.

In last year's contest, I did abysmal, failing to get a single correct answer. This year I actually got two correct, tying with Tim of Winecast. As we both had the most correct answers, Jill decided to split the prize between us. Good job to Tim and thanks to Jill for running this contest again.

Hopefully Jill will run this again next year and I can get even more correct.


  1. Great job, Richard! You got the Wine of The Year correct which I think is more awesome than my lucky guesses... but I'll take those 3 bottles, all the same ;-)

    Rematch next year?

  2. My guesses were lots of luck as well. I think your Douro pick was excellent. It was certainly a strange top ten this year.

    And I am definitely up for a rematch next year!

  3. Ugh, how did I miss this post? Sorry, Richard. Congrats! You did a great job and your prize is headed your way!
