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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mouss-icle Anyone?

I made a foodie trek to the South End earlier today and had an excellent time, as usual. One of my stops was Chocolee Chocolates, a usual destination when I visit the South End. I am addicted to their chocolate salted caramels.

I also had to try one of their new Mouss-icles ($3), which are available through October. These icy cold treats are composed of rich milk chocolate mousse, frozen onto a stick, then dipped in both milk and dark chocolate. I thought it was excellent, with a nice hard shell of chocolate covering the smooth mousse. The mousse was creamy and rich in chocolate flavor. As I walked down Tremont Street, the sun beaming down, I savored the Mouss-icle, reveling in this chocolate delight.

Plus I bought some of the chocolate salted caramels. I almost want to hide them in the refrigerator so no one else knows they are there. But, difficult as it may be, I will share them.

Chocolee Chocolates
83 Pembroke Street
Boston, MA
Phone: 617-236-0606

1 comment:

  1. None of those things exist without photographic proof! Let's see these delectable morsels!
