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Monday, July 2, 2012

No Rant, Just An Update

Hello all,

   Sorry, but there is no Rant today. Instead I wanted to provide a few updates concerning some positive matters going on.

First, as you have obviously noticed, my blog has undergone a significant design change, which I think makes it more clean and legible. I have not fully completed all of the changes, though any additional changes will likely be minor issues. The major work is finished and I am relatively happy with the results so far. I would still like your feedback though about the design changes so feel free to leave them in the comments or email them to me.

Second, I have nearly completed my next short story, tentatively titled The Killer Tea Kettle. This is a sequel to Yurine's Pot, and you might want to read that story before the sequel gets published. The Killer Tea Kettle is a murder mystery starring Nate, the Sake expert from Yurine's Pot, and might involve the ghost of a ninja seeking vengeance. Once again, the story features an ancient Japanese legend and Sake plays a center role as well. This story is about twice as long as the first short story and should be published later this month.

Third, you can look forward during the next couple weeks for more articles on Chianti Classico, including a meat lovers paradise as well as an in-depth look at Isole e Olena winery. Forthcoming, there will also likely be articles on Absinthe, some Sake reviews, and a couple restaurant recommendations. Later this month, I will also be giving an introductory lesson in Sake to some local bloggers at a Sake & Sushi class at Haru. That should be a fun event and I look forward to spreading some Sake love.

Enjoy your July 4 celebrations this week!

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