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Sunday, March 10, 2013

SeaShare: Seafood For Hungry Americans

One of the most touching aspects of the International Boston Seafood Show is the Coffee For a Cause, at Booth 2467, where you can buy a cup of coffee and part of the proceeds benefit the SeaShare charity. SeaShare has over 200 affiliates, serving all 50 states, and their primary goal is to alleviate hunger, a most worthy cause.

In January, I posted "Get Off Your Ass And Help The Less Fortunate!", a wake-up call to the food-obsessed to help fight hunger. I have often supported and posted about charitable events that try to help alleviate the problems of hunger. I was not aware of SeaShare until this event but after learning about them, I have much respect for their goals and actions. They seem to be a company worthy of support.

SeaShare is allegedly the only nonprofit organization dedicated to providing seafood to our country's food banks. They attempt to get fishermen, processors, distributors, retailers and others to make contributions toward this effort. Since 1994, the seafood industry, about 120 companies and their associates, has donated approximately 150 million seafood meals through SeaShare, which have been shipped to 80 major food banks in 38 states. Certainly a significant effort.

They also are trying to make as many of their donations as sustainable as possible. Most of the fisheries they deal with are certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council. Their concern is not only with hunger, but also with protecting the environment and stocks of seafood. That elevates them in my eyes even more.

I am also pleased to see that SeaShare understands the great health benefits from seafood and that is partially why they are donating seafood to these food banks, to better the diets of these people. As I have noted before, seafood often is expensive and price is a significant obstacle to consumption. Those experiencing hunger, with limited funds, are much less likely to purchase seafood, yet they too need the health benefits of seafood. SeaShare helps these people reap the benefits when they otherwise would never have done so.

So buy some coffee and help SeaShare, or make some other type of donation to them.


  1. Thanks for your blog article Richard. We were able to thank a lot of our current donors at the show as well as gain some new ones. We also went to the Greater Boston Food Bank. Always nice to check in with the folks receiving the seafood. Sounds like you have a lot of fun in your work. It was a great show.

  2. Hi Mary,
    You are most welcome. And I would love to hear more details about your work in the Boston area.
