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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Myers & Chang: An Overdue Return Visit

Until a couple weeks ago, I hadn't visited Myers & Chang since before COVID, even though it had been one of my favorite restaurants. However, when I recently found myself at an event on Harrison Avenue in Boston, I decided to stop by Myers & Chang for dinner. Would it have changed since my last visit? Was it still as good as I remembered? 

It was a Friday night, so the restaurant was very busy but I was able to get a seat in front of the kitchen. The cooks and kitchen staff worked their asses off! It was non-stop cooking action, giving you a deeper appreciation for these employees. 

I perused the "Halvsies" menu, which has smaller and less expensive plates of their normal dishes. This menu has about 30 selections, priced from $5-$13, and there's plenty of variety, including "Dim Sum-y Things," Vegetables, Noodle & Rice dishes, and Fish & Shellfish. It's a great way to experience a number of their dishes.

I opted for the Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice-$13), with pork, shrimp, pineapple, egg and a spicy sauce. This was an ample bowl with such a delicious and well-balanced blend of flavors and textures. From the fiery heat of its sauce to the sweetness of pineapple chunks!  It was previously a favorite of mine and it was just as tasty as it ever was. The quality of this dish hadn't diminished a single iota. I would once again highly recommend it. 

The Korean Fried Chicken Bao ($7), with a gochujang glaze and pickled cucumber, was also very tasty, with a slightly spicy kick and crunchy and tender chicken. I could have easily devoured several of these bao. 

Finally, I selected the Thai Pork Lettuce Wraps ($8), with nouc cham, Thai basil and khao koor.  The meatballs were excellent, meaty and tender with an appealing taste from the various spices, including a touch of smokiness. 

Overall, the quality of food at Myers & Chang hasn't diminished at all since my last visit. It has remained consistently excellent, even on a very busy night. I certainly need to return there more often, and I highly recommend that my readers dine there as well.

Have you recently dined at Myers & Chang?

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