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Monday, November 13, 2023

Rant: Please Consider The Less Fortunate

It's mid-November and many of us are probably thinking about our upcoming plans for Thanksgiving. Where will you dine? What foods and drinks will be on your table? Plus, you might also be thinking about Christmas, Hanukkah, or other upcoming holiday celebrations. You might already be considering about what gifts to present to your family, friends, and loved ones. Your thoughts will likely be directed to how you can maximize your own enjoyment of these upcoming holidays.

However, stop and ponder another significant thought: Please consider the less fortunate.

These are tough economic times, and we're all aware that prices for everything have risen. Most of us have been tightening our belts while shopping, restricting our spending in some ways. However, these times are especially difficult for some people, and helping them could make a significant impact.

Let us work together to help those who need some assistance this holiday season, even if it requires a little sacrifice on our part. Make this a meaningful holiday season, rather than a selfish one. Though many of us love and enjoy the holiday season, it can be a very sad and disappointing time for those with little or nothing.

Every community has some people who find it difficult merely to pay for basic essentials, especially now, let alone to buy holiday gifts or prepare a special holiday feast. We can help though, and try to bring some joy to the less fortunate. Share your largess with others, helping those who truly need it.

Even though these are tough economic times for many of us, we all probably can help out others, even if only in little ways. If you cannot spare money, then donate your time, maybe spending it at a food bank or shelter. Or make something to give to others, such as baking a pie, cookies or casserole. Donate old clothes or other durable items which you no longer use. There are many different ways to help out others besides just monetary donations. Be creative in your efforts, even if your own finances are tight.

During this season, there are also numerous restaurants, chefs, stores and others which are holding special charitable events. Promote those events on your social media, tell your family and friends, spreading the word far and wide. Attend those events, encouraging others to do the same. 

Let us share with all during this upcoming holiday season, bringing together everyone in a more united community. There are enough divisions in our world right now and we need more unity, especially at this time. Don't just think of yourself but think of others, think about what you can do to make this world a better place.

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