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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Quite A Milestone: 4000 Blog Posts!

This is my 4000th blog post!  

That averages out to about 1 blog post per day for nearly 11 years and in November, I will have been blogging for eleven years. When I started out blogging, which now seems so long ago, I never imagined I would have come so far. There certainly have been days that I haven't posted but there have also been other days when I posted multiple times.

Call me longwinded, dedicated, obsessed, passionate, or crazy. There is probably a bit of truth in all of that, as well as more. Writing in in my blood, simply a significant part of who I am, and I wouldn't be happy unless I were writing. I still find immense enjoyment in writing so I don't dread getting up in the morning and starting to put words together. It is why I have also written three novels and numerous short stories. I have a deep passion for writing, both fiction and nonfiction.

Over the course of the past eleven years, I've seen many food/drink blogs come and go. A significant number of people aren't able to continue a blog for more than a year at best. It can be a lot of work, and certainly takes drive and dedication. If it is only a hobby, then many other matters can take precedence. However, I know some other blogs which have stood the test of time, which have lasted for many years too. And those people deserve many kudos for their passion and drive as well.

One of the keys to my longevity is that I never had a narrow focus on my blog, though there are definitely subjects which capture more of my attention than others, such as SakeSherry and Portuguese Wine. I have had the freedom to write about any food or drink topic which grabs my attention. I love that diversity, the ability to expand my palate in so many directions. It has also allowed me to learn about so many different foods and drinks, restaurants and wineries, food markets and distilleries. As I don't limit my explorations, I'll never run out of ideas to write about.

During the last 11 years, I have learned so much, and then shared it with my readers. For example, this year, I learned about Baijiu, a fascinating Chinese spirit which is the most popular spirit in the world. I also expanded my knowledge of Greek spirits at Committee, a killer Greek restaurant in the Fan Pier district. I went deeper into the world of Mezcal, explored an innovative and local hydroponic lettuce farm, checked out the drinks industry in Vermont, went deep into the Manhattan cocktail, and much more.

It's a very good feeling when I receive feedback from my readers that they have enjoyed one of my recommendations, whether it is a restaurant or bottle of wine. For example, during the past year, I've often recommended Ciao Pizza & Pasta, in Chelsea, and I haven't heard a negative word from anyone who has gone there. In fact, they usually rave about it, returning again and again, and telling their friends about it. It's also rewarding when I receive feedback that one of my articles, often my Rants, has gotten my readers to think about matters they hadn't give any thought to before.

Out of my 4000 posts, I have some favorites, those posts which I am especially proud of for various reasons. At the top, I am proudest of my article, An Expanded History of Sake Brewing in the U.S., which involved lots of research, including searching through old newspaper archives. It presented an intriguing history which surprised numerous people and changed some of their previous beliefs. I'm also very pleased with my multi-part histories of Port, Sherry, and Champagne. One of my most popular posts, and another favorite of mine, is The Science of Sake & Food Pairings, discussing all the reasons why Sake pairs with all types of food. Finally, my most popular post, as well as the most controversial, is Rant: Alton Brown, I Call You Out! That stirred up plenty of emotions, both positive and negative.

I've met so many interesting people over these past 11 years, some who have become good friends. And all of these people, in their own ways, have helped teach me as well. I've tried to share with my readers information about these people and their businesses, interests, and passions. In my own small way, I've tried to highlight the diversity of some of these people, in ways like Wine, Women & The Internet, showcasing women who write about wine, and Celebrating Local Diversity: People of Color Blogging About Food & Drink.

I look forward to continuing my blog for years to come, to continuing to write about food and drink, to exploring all the world has to offer. Thank you to everyone who has contributed in anyway to all that I have done. There are far too many people for me to name them all individually. And there will be even more people who will assist me, in a myriad of ways, in the future.

Time to crack open a great bottle of wine and celebrate!

Drink & dine with passion!

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