Monday, May 2, 2022

A Rant-Free May: Embracing Positivity & Hope

As May begins, I just can't start this month with a Rant. In fact, I won't be posting any Rants at all during this month. Instead, I want to embrace hope and positivity, to look forward to what the immediate future will hopefully bring. 

Summer nears, and warmer weather is on its way. Pandemic restrictions have been lifted in many places and large-scale events, such as wine tastings and food festivals, are being held. People are beginning to travel once again, including journeys to other countries. You can feel the change in people's emotions, an air of hopefulness which brings more smiles. 

Yes, there are still plenty of matters of concern around the world, but we cannot surrender to despair. We can still try to address these issues while also being positive and hopeful. 

Some other reasons to embrace May include a variety of holidays this month. Mother's Day is May 8, a day to show love for our wonderful mothers (although we should also be showing them love every day of the year). May is also said to be National Barbecue Month, National Hamburger Month, and National Egg Month. Get our your grills, slap on some burgers, and top them with a fried egg! In addition, May 25 is said to be National Wine Day, to celebrate all things vinous, while May 21 is International Pošip Day, a celebration of a fascinating and tasty Croatian indigenous white grape. 

Personally, May should be an excellent month for me. The Passionate Foodie blog will celebrate its 15th Anniversary! The traditional gift for such an anniversary is crystal although the modern gift is a timepiece. In addition, I'll be traveling to Croatia on a press trip, exploring the regions of Slavonia and Istria, as well as the city of Zagreb and its environs. I have good reason to be positive this month, and also hope that positivity extends to many other people as well.

Embrace positivity and hope! And what positive and fun matters are you looking forward to this month?

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