Monday, June 24, 2024

Rant: Put The Cellphone Down!

Cellphone use is ubiquitous, and far too many people have great difficulty lifting their heads from the screens of their phones, no matter what they are doing, or from holding phone conversations. They walk down the street, looking at their phones rather than looking out for others who are walking in their path. When these individuals visit a restaurant or store, they sometimes continue using their phone even when a server comes to their table or they go to the register to make their purchase.

That needs to stop! Put the cellphone down!

First, it's rude as the server or cashier generally needs to engage you in conversation, maybe to ask you questions. It's difficult to do so if you are talking to someone on the phone, or texting, or surfing the Internet. Second, it's dehumanizing to the server or cashier, as your attention is on your phone and you aren't treating them as a human being, but rather as if they were an automaton or piece of machinery. Third, mistakes can easily be made as you aren't paying sufficient attention and may not properly understand whatever questions the server or cashier asks you.

If you have to make a call, then handle the call before you go to the cashier or the server comes to your table. Once you get in front of the cashier or the server approaches, put your phone away or down. Give your full attention to the server or cashier. Treat them as a human being, with respect. Engage in some actual face to face social interaction. Your life is far greater than the tiny screen of your cell phone.

I've encountered this situation numerous times and it's clear from their telephone conversations that it almost never is an emergency. There is no absolute need for them to be speaking on the phone when they are purchasing their products. And it is more difficult to handle their transaction as asking them relevant questions isn't easy. I know others feel the same way too.

Have some consideration and put your cellphone down!

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