Happy New Year's Eve and I hope you celebrate well but also spend this holiday safely. I also hope you will enjoy some type of delicious Sparkling Wine, from Champagne to Crémant d'Alsace, Cava to Franciacorta, or something Sparkling from a U.S. producer. It's my fervent wish that this New Year is better for all of us, in so many ways, than 2024.
This is also the time when many people will ponder the conduct of their lives and choose to make Resolutions, the things they want to do, or not do, to make their lives better in the New Year. Maybe you want to give up smoking or lose weight, maybe you want to start going to a gym regularly or save more money. Unfortunately, many people will break their resolutions after only a short time, within less than a month, so numerous people will choose not to make a resolution, figuring they won't follow it anyways.
As I've done for the last several years, I want to offer some alternative suggestions for resolutions, all connected to food and drink. Rather than deal in absolutes, or exact measurements, I merely hope that you choose to do your best to follow these suggested resolutions with the simple goal of doing better than you did last year. I don't expect anyone to follow these resolutions all the time. Please just do your best. I think you might find this easier to do than a more specific resolution which is an either/or proposition. Seek continued forward progress in these ten resolutions throughout the entire year.
1) Resolve to eat & drink healthier
This encompasses so much, such as eating less calories, consuming less sugar, and choosing items that have less unwanted chemicals. Take small steps in your approach rather than diving into a major change. The smaller steps won't seem as burdensome and it will make it easier to take another small step later on. And even small changes can bring about positive changes, especially when they accumulate over time. We all would benefit from eating and drinking healthier and it will also help our environment and economy.
2) Resolve to consume more local food & drink
Local products can help the environment, the local economy and benefit the local community. Plus, many of those local products can be healthier than mass produced, overly processed foods that might come from thousands of miles away. Eating more local seafood is such a great idea, for many reasons, from bettering your health to helping the local fishing industry. This resolution also includes drinking local wines, as every state now produces wine, and you might be surprised by the quality of some of that local wine. Not all local food and drink is delicious or good for the environment, so do some research to find out the best.
3) Resolve to eat more seafood, especially domestic
Seafood can be extremely healthy for you, especially those fish rich in Omega-3s, so it's an excellent choice for dinner. Seafood is also delicious, versatile and often easy to prepare. Yes, it can be more expensive, but it is well worth the added cost, and there are ways to get more value in your seafood purchases. Buying more domestic seafood will help our economy, rather than buying so much imported seafood. It has been scientifically proven that consuming 26 pounds of seafood annually will reduce your chances of heart disease by 36%. An easy and delicious resolution.
4) Resolve to expand your drink horizons
Don't keep drinking the same old stuff all the time. There are so many wonderful beverages out there to taste, and you might find some new favorites. Break out of your rut and endeavor to try something new on a regular basis. If you mainly drink Chardonnay, venture out and try some other white wines, such as Gruner Veltliner, Trebbiano or Albarino. Try Sherry, Sake, Japanese Whisky, Mezcal, Franciacorta, Baijiu, and other under-appreciated beverages. Sample wines from different countries, including Croatia, Moldova, Greece, Israel, and more. Taste it all, constantly trying new beverages, and continue drinking those you enjoy.
5) Resolve to expand your food horizons
In a similar vein, don't keep eating the same old stuff all the time. There are so many wonderful foods out there to taste, to see if you can find some new favorites. Break out of your rut and endeavor to try something new on a regular basis. Try some less common meats, from rabbit to wild boar, or maybe something even more unusual like insects or guinea pig. Seek out cuisines that are new to you, and look for new ingredients you can try out in your own kitchen. Taste it all, constantly trying new foods, and continue eating what you enjoy
6) Resolve to cook more at home
Cooking at home is another way to benefit the environment, and it can be more economical than eating out all the time. It also gives you a better handle on exactly what you eat, so you can make the food as healthy as you desire. It can be fun too, if you cook with someone else, breaking the potential boredom of cooking alone. Be creative in what you cook, seek out new recipes, and share recipes with others.
7) Resolve not to be THAT jerk when you dine out
When you dine out at a restaurant, get take-out, or delivery, please be polite and show respect to everyone working at or for the restaurant. Don't fault the restaurants for legal restrictions they must follow. Don't demand special treatment or threaten the restaurant just because you write reviews on some community website. Tip generously, showing your servers gratitude for all their hard work. If you have a problem at a restaurant, speak to the management and see if they can resolve your issue. If you enjoy a restaurant, spread the word about your positive experience. Good restaurants can use, and deserve, all the help they can get, especially in these times. It's a very tough industry, and a very tough time, and consumers need to better understand its difficulties, and be more understanding of restaurant efforts.
8) Resolve to give more to fight hunger
Despite the wealth of the U.S., there are still far too many people in our country who can't afford to eat properly. Hunger is a major problem in our country, as well as all across the world, and one that we can do something about. Give food or money to local food banks, national organizations, or any other charity that is trying to combat this problem. Those of us without food security issues can all help out, in whatever way we are capable.
9) Resolve not to waste as much food
It is said that up to 40% of our food ends up as waste, and that is a nearly unbelievable statistic. Food waste can lead to higher food prices and cause more environmental damage. Do your part to help reduce food waste. Don't make as much food as normal when making a meal so you don't have leftovers in the first place. As your mother probably once said to you, finish everything on your plate. Use any leftovers to make additional meals.
10) Resolve not to drink & drive
As I have said time and time again, do not drive if you are impaired AT ALL by alcohol. It is much too dangerous and you could injure or kill yourself or someone else. Even if you don't get in an accident, you could be arrested and that comes with its own high costs. It isn't worth doing it, so please just don't drink and drive. Take a Uber, taxi, or catch a ride with someone else. This is probably the most important resolution of the ten, and the one everyone should opt to follow.
Is there anything I missed?
For Over 18 Years, and over 5500 articles, I've Been Sharing My Passion for Food, Wine, Saké & Spirits. Come Join Me & Satisfy Your Hunger & Thirst.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
Rant: Forget Useless Predictions
As I've said before, predictions for the New Year are basically useless. At the end of the year, nearly all of those predictions will have failed to come to fruition and even those that did are probably due more to luck than any actual ability to predict the future. You would have just as much success by reading tea leaves or the entrails of goats. I know that if I devised my own predictions, they too would probably fail.
We all hope that 2025 will usher in positive changes to the local food & drink industry. Instead of offering any predictions, I'm going to provide a list of ten of my desires, those trends, issues and items which I would love to see step forward and take precedence in 2025, though I'm not predicting they will actually come to fruition. Some of these items I've been wanting for many years to happen and they still haven't become a trend. I think we would all benefit if any of these desires were fulfilled.
We possess the ability to make these desires come true. They pose valuable opportunities for entrepreneurs and others to step up and make their mark. They are matters we can demand and promote, matters we can hound restaurant owners, legislators and others to pursue. We can make our future become a reality.
1) More French Toast Sandwiches
The Monte Cristo sandwich, ham, turkey and cheese on French Toast, is popular but why haven't there been more sandwiches on French Toast? A Saugus diner used to be willing to make special orders, several other sandwiches on French Toast, including a cheeseburger, chicken cutlet and pastrami & cheese. They were all delicious, and enhanced by the eggy French Toast. However, this past year, they changed to the use of French Toast Bagels, and that's not the same as French Toast. Not a good replacement. However, I would love to see more restaurants add different French Toast sandwiches to their menu, and I suspect they would be very popular.
The Monte Cristo sandwich, ham, turkey and cheese on French Toast, is popular but why haven't there been more sandwiches on French Toast? A Saugus diner used to be willing to make special orders, several other sandwiches on French Toast, including a cheeseburger, chicken cutlet and pastrami & cheese. They were all delicious, and enhanced by the eggy French Toast. However, this past year, they changed to the use of French Toast Bagels, and that's not the same as French Toast. Not a good replacement. However, I would love to see more restaurants add different French Toast sandwiches to their menu, and I suspect they would be very popular.
I've previously enjoyed savory pancakes, made with ham and cheese, and it was very tasty. So why don't more places offer savory pancakes rather than the sweet concoctions that are so common? Rather than have a pancake covered in powdered sugar, chocolate and whipped cream, I'd much rather have one stuffed with small cubes of ham and melted cheese. Such a savory pancake could come in many different forms and its unique nature might interest many restaurant patrons. Why do so many restaurants offer overly sweet breakfast treats rather than more savory options?
3) More Breakfast Pizza
A breakfast pizza, such as a white pizza with thin slices of potato, bacon (and/or sausage), cheese and a fried egg (or scrambled), can be absolutely delicious. It isn't a difficult dish to create yet you won't find it available on many menus. Think of all the pizza joints you know and then consider which ones make a breakfast pizza. You might know one or two, at best. So why isn't it more popular and widely available? It's puzzling to me and it seems such a no-brainer. People love pizza so why wouldn't they also love a breakfast pizza? Breakfast pizza is fine for lunch and dinner too. This also seems to be a missed opportunity for many, so I hope more restaurants decide to add these to their menu.
A breakfast pizza, such as a white pizza with thin slices of potato, bacon (and/or sausage), cheese and a fried egg (or scrambled), can be absolutely delicious. It isn't a difficult dish to create yet you won't find it available on many menus. Think of all the pizza joints you know and then consider which ones make a breakfast pizza. You might know one or two, at best. So why isn't it more popular and widely available? It's puzzling to me and it seems such a no-brainer. People love pizza so why wouldn't they also love a breakfast pizza? Breakfast pizza is fine for lunch and dinner too. This also seems to be a missed opportunity for many, so I hope more restaurants decide to add these to their menu.
4) Less Powdered Sugar
Stop using so much powdered sugar, covering pancakes and French toast, adding even more sweetness to sweet desserts. It doesn't make those dishes look more appealing to have a plain white powder on them. In fact, it acts to hide the natural look of the desserts, concealing their true nature. And adding it to sweet desserts is unnecessary as they are already sweet enough. It's overkill. Yet chef after chef still uses it and that needs to stop, especially its use on pancakes and French toast. Find other ways to make your food look better. Find a better way to make your desserts sweeter if that is what you really want to do.
Stop using so much powdered sugar, covering pancakes and French toast, adding even more sweetness to sweet desserts. It doesn't make those dishes look more appealing to have a plain white powder on them. In fact, it acts to hide the natural look of the desserts, concealing their true nature. And adding it to sweet desserts is unnecessary as they are already sweet enough. It's overkill. Yet chef after chef still uses it and that needs to stop, especially its use on pancakes and French toast. Find other ways to make your food look better. Find a better way to make your desserts sweeter if that is what you really want to do.
Bread pudding is relatively easy to make and can be inexpensive as it can be made with day old bread. Plus, it's a diverse dish that can be made in a wide variety of flavors, with different sauces, and accompaniments. I've had some superb bread puddings at local restaurants, and would like to see more restaurants offering it on their dessert menus. However, I also think there is a great opportunity for an enterprising baker to open a Bread Pudding Bakery. They exist in other parts of the country so why not in the Boston area? Skip opening another damn cupcake bakery, think outside the box, and opt for a bread pudding bakery instead. I've been pushing for this for numerous years and it still hasn't caught on. Why not?
6) More Duck Wings & Legs
Chicken wings get all the attention and you can find them in many different restaurants, often as an appetizer. There are even restaurants that specialize in chicken wings. Part of the reason for their ubiquity is likely that they are usually inexpensive. However, duck wings or legs can be so much tastier than chicken wings, yet it's very difficult to find restaurants which offer them. A Tavola, in Winchester, sometimes has duck legs on their menu and they are quite scrumptious. Let's see more restaurant start offering duck wings and legs on their menu, showing their taste and versatility.
7) More Filipino Restaurants & Dishes
This is another matter I've been ranting about for several years. There is a dearth of Filipino cuisine both locally as well throughout the U.S., though a few regions seem to be opening several new Filipino restaurants. With only a few Filipino restaurants in the Boston area, there is a huge opportunity here for more Filipino spots. Or if even not an entire restaurant, maybe we could see more Filipino inspired dishes on other menus. This is also applicable to a number of other cuisines of which Boston doesn't have enough representation, like Israeli, Croatian and Georgian.
In the Boston area, Sake is largely confined to Asian restaurants and there is no reason why that should be the case. Sake pairs well with all sorts of cuisines, from Italian to French, Barbecue to Burgers. I've previously written about The Science of Sake & Food Pairings, explaining reasons why it pairs so well with varied cuisines. For Sake to become more popular and mainstream, we need more non-Asian restaurants to carry and promote Sake. And they need to promote Sake for more than just Sushi. Seafood restaurants could promote Sake for everything from oysters to fried clams. Let's see a pizza or burger joint offering Sake. And hopefully customers will expand their palate and try Sake with their meals.
9) More Love For Niche Wines
So many excellent wines get largely ignored by the general public, and even by a significant number of wine lovers. I want to see more people willing to expand their palates and explore these niche wines, from Sherry to Georgian wines, from Crémant d'Alsace to Croatian wines, from White Port to Greek wines. Why do you restrict your drinking when you could be sampling all of the world's wine bounty? We need more restaurants adding these niche wines to their lists, and then promoting them to their customers. We need more wine writers to cover these wines, persuading their readers to check out these niche wines. You'll find so many interesting and delicious wines if you break out of your usual drinking patterns and try something new. At Victoria Hill Wine, Spirits & Gourmet in Melrose, the wine shop where I work, I've been running the wine tastings, presenting lots of different options, which have been very well received by the customers. Taste Something Different!
10) More Food Pairings With Bubbly
Sparkling wine actually pairs well with numerous food dishes yet most people drink it only as a celebratory wine or as an aperitif. More people should try pairing sparkling wine with a variety of dishes, to learn how well it can pair with their dinner. We also need restaurants and wine sommeliers to start making recommendations for sparkling wine for various menu items. Whenever I've sought a wine pairing recommendation from a sommelier, only rarely have they suggested a Sparkling wine. Sparkling wine even pairs well with simple foods, like potato chips! Why not set up a Sparkling Wine tasting with various flavored potato chips?
What food & drink trends would you like to see in 2025?
What food & drink trends would you like to see in 2025?
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays To All
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to my family, friends, readers and everyone else!
May the glad tidings of this holiday season shine on you, your family and friends. May your celebrations be joyous and overflowing with great people, excellent conversation, fun times, delicious food and fine drink. May the gifts you give to others be well appreciated and bring joy to the recipients. May you thoroughly enjoy whichever holiday you celebrate at this season.
This is one of my favorite times of year. It should be a joyous occasion, reveling in all of our blessings, for no matter what ills there may be, there still is much to appreciate. That appreciation deserves recognition and sharing, and not only during the holidays. Do not dwell on the negative but rather embrace all that is good in your life.
It's also a time for giving, for sharing with those less fortunate than us. Please donate as much as you can to your favorite charities, whether you give money, time or goods. Even small donations can make a significant impact. Think of more than just yourself at this time and throughout the year.
Make sure you have a safe holiday as well. Please, please, please don't drink and drive, and drive safely and cautiously. If you're going to drink, let someone else drive, or take a taxi, Uber or public transportation. Again, please do not drink and drive! I hope that everyone will remain around to celebrate the New Year and see what 2025 brings all of us.
Drink and dine with passion this holiday, as well as every day of the year! Passion is what gives our lives meaning, what drives us toward excellence. A life devoid of passion is empty and shallow, and desperately needs change. Seek out whatever makes you passionate and revel in its delights. And share your passion with others.
Happy Holidays!
May the glad tidings of this holiday season shine on you, your family and friends. May your celebrations be joyous and overflowing with great people, excellent conversation, fun times, delicious food and fine drink. May the gifts you give to others be well appreciated and bring joy to the recipients. May you thoroughly enjoy whichever holiday you celebrate at this season.
This is one of my favorite times of year. It should be a joyous occasion, reveling in all of our blessings, for no matter what ills there may be, there still is much to appreciate. That appreciation deserves recognition and sharing, and not only during the holidays. Do not dwell on the negative but rather embrace all that is good in your life.
It's also a time for giving, for sharing with those less fortunate than us. Please donate as much as you can to your favorite charities, whether you give money, time or goods. Even small donations can make a significant impact. Think of more than just yourself at this time and throughout the year.
Make sure you have a safe holiday as well. Please, please, please don't drink and drive, and drive safely and cautiously. If you're going to drink, let someone else drive, or take a taxi, Uber or public transportation. Again, please do not drink and drive! I hope that everyone will remain around to celebrate the New Year and see what 2025 brings all of us.
Drink and dine with passion this holiday, as well as every day of the year! Passion is what gives our lives meaning, what drives us toward excellence. A life devoid of passion is empty and shallow, and desperately needs change. Seek out whatever makes you passionate and revel in its delights. And share your passion with others.
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 23, 2024
It's the holiday week and nearly all of you are planning to attend festive holiday parties with family and friends. I want to give you an important piece of advice.
Now, it couldn't be any simpler so please listen carefully. This is one of the most important pieces of advice you'll receive this holiday season. Please, please, please give this your full attention!
If you've had too much alcohol to drink, if there's any, absolutely any, doubt in your mind, don't drive. Just don't do it! Any questions?
Once again, I step forward with probably my most important Rant of the Year. It's an absolutely vital issue for everyone who enjoys alcohol of any type, from wine to beer, from Scotch to hard cider. With the imminent advent of the holiday season we reach a potentially dangerous period for those people who over indulge, who drink too much at parties, feasts and gatherings. There is nothing wrong with that, and you can drink as much as you desire, as long as you give up your keys to someone who is sober, and you do not drive.
As I've said multiple times before, and which I'll repeat year after year, "If there is any question, no matter how small, whether you are too intoxicated to drive, then don't. If your family or friends think you have had too much to drink, don't drive. Just don't. It is not worth the risk by any calculation." Err on the side of caution so that if you have any doubt of your capacity to drive, then please don't drive. Take a taxi or Uber, catch a ride with someone else, walk or sleep it off. Just don't drive!
Rationally, we all know the dangers of drinking and driving. We endanger our own lives as well as the lives of others. Every year, we hear multiple news reports about terrible auto accidents, some with fatalities, that occur because a driver was intoxicated. Families are torn apart, lives are ruined, and much more. Why don't we learn from all these incidents? Even if you don't get in an accident, you might get arrested for drunk driving, with all the attendant high costs, and not just economic. You might even end up in jail.
About 17,000 people are arrested for drunk driving in Massachusetts each year. That's a huge figure, showing that far too many people still don't understand that they should not drink and drive. Did you know that if you only had two drinks in a hour, you might still have a blood alcohol level over the legal limit? How difficult is it to understand? DON'T DRINK & DRIVE! I'm sure drunk driving incidents in other states are just as significant.
As a more sobering statistic, 13,524 people (including over 280 children) in the U.S. were killed in drunk driving accidents in 2022, a slight increase from the prior year's fatalities of 13,384. Such deaths shouldn't increase at all, and it's obviously there are far too many deaths. It needs to be change and change now. Back in 2007, there had been a historical high of 13,041 drunk driving fatalities, and the number of fatalities had been decreasing until 2020. And then, there was a 14% increase in 2021.
The statistics are going the wrong way! More people are dying because of drunk drivers and that needs to stop. Each time you drink and drive, you endanger yourself, your passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and people in other vehicles. Let someone else drive you, whether it be a friend or family. Take an Uber or public transportation. Leave your car where it is parked as you can always pick it up the next day. You have plenty of options so there is absolutely no reason to drink and drive. Be responsible.
I don't want to lose any family or friends this year due to a drunk driving accident. I don't think anyone wants to lose their loved ones either. Your family and friends would rather you didn't drink and drive as they don't you to die in a terrible drunk driving accident. So please just don't!
Now, it couldn't be any simpler so please listen carefully. This is one of the most important pieces of advice you'll receive this holiday season. Please, please, please give this your full attention!
If you've had too much alcohol to drink, if there's any, absolutely any, doubt in your mind, don't drive. Just don't do it! Any questions?
Once again, I step forward with probably my most important Rant of the Year. It's an absolutely vital issue for everyone who enjoys alcohol of any type, from wine to beer, from Scotch to hard cider. With the imminent advent of the holiday season we reach a potentially dangerous period for those people who over indulge, who drink too much at parties, feasts and gatherings. There is nothing wrong with that, and you can drink as much as you desire, as long as you give up your keys to someone who is sober, and you do not drive.
As I've said multiple times before, and which I'll repeat year after year, "If there is any question, no matter how small, whether you are too intoxicated to drive, then don't. If your family or friends think you have had too much to drink, don't drive. Just don't. It is not worth the risk by any calculation." Err on the side of caution so that if you have any doubt of your capacity to drive, then please don't drive. Take a taxi or Uber, catch a ride with someone else, walk or sleep it off. Just don't drive!
Rationally, we all know the dangers of drinking and driving. We endanger our own lives as well as the lives of others. Every year, we hear multiple news reports about terrible auto accidents, some with fatalities, that occur because a driver was intoxicated. Families are torn apart, lives are ruined, and much more. Why don't we learn from all these incidents? Even if you don't get in an accident, you might get arrested for drunk driving, with all the attendant high costs, and not just economic. You might even end up in jail.
About 17,000 people are arrested for drunk driving in Massachusetts each year. That's a huge figure, showing that far too many people still don't understand that they should not drink and drive. Did you know that if you only had two drinks in a hour, you might still have a blood alcohol level over the legal limit? How difficult is it to understand? DON'T DRINK & DRIVE! I'm sure drunk driving incidents in other states are just as significant.
As a more sobering statistic, 13,524 people (including over 280 children) in the U.S. were killed in drunk driving accidents in 2022, a slight increase from the prior year's fatalities of 13,384. Such deaths shouldn't increase at all, and it's obviously there are far too many deaths. It needs to be change and change now. Back in 2007, there had been a historical high of 13,041 drunk driving fatalities, and the number of fatalities had been decreasing until 2020. And then, there was a 14% increase in 2021.
The statistics are going the wrong way! More people are dying because of drunk drivers and that needs to stop. Each time you drink and drive, you endanger yourself, your passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and people in other vehicles. Let someone else drive you, whether it be a friend or family. Take an Uber or public transportation. Leave your car where it is parked as you can always pick it up the next day. You have plenty of options so there is absolutely no reason to drink and drive. Be responsible.
I don't want to lose any family or friends this year due to a drunk driving accident. I don't think anyone wants to lose their loved ones either. Your family and friends would rather you didn't drink and drive as they don't you to die in a terrible drunk driving accident. So please just don't!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Thursday Sips & Nibbles
I'm back again with a new edition of Sips & Nibbles, my regular column where I highlight some interesting, upcoming food and drink events. I hope everyone dines out safely, tips well and are nice to their servers.
1) Kyuramen, a Ramen restaurant with locations in Brookline and Winchester, is now offering a Holiday and New Year Prix-Fixe Menu, available from December 18 to January 1, 2025. This festive menu offers an affordable way to celebrate with friends and family over the holidays.
For just $32.99 (regularly priced at $40+), diners can create their own three-course meal, choosing one option from each of these four categories:
Appetizers: Takoyaki Balls, Fried Gyoza Dumplings, Popcorn Chicken, or Spicy Bamboo Shoots
Ramen: Signature bowls such as Tokyo Tonkotsu Shouyu, Sapporo Miso, Japanese Curry, or Chicken Ramen
Desserts: Matcha Pudding with Red Beans or Japanese Cherry Blossom Jelly
Drinks: Thai Iced Tea or Amazing Lemonade
I may try to check out the new Winchester location soon.
2) Eggnog has a lengthy history, and its connection to the holidays is at least a couple hundred years old, if not longer. You'll find plenty of commercially produced eggnogs on the market, but they just don't compete with homemade version. Want to make your own Eggnog this season? Then check out the recipe from Chef Joe Carli of A Tavola in Winchester. His special Eggnog Recipe was featured on Lexington Living. You can keep it nonalcoholic, or add your alcohol of choice. Chef Carli prefers some Bourbon, and I'd agree with him that it's an excellent choice.
1) Kyuramen, a Ramen restaurant with locations in Brookline and Winchester, is now offering a Holiday and New Year Prix-Fixe Menu, available from December 18 to January 1, 2025. This festive menu offers an affordable way to celebrate with friends and family over the holidays.
For just $32.99 (regularly priced at $40+), diners can create their own three-course meal, choosing one option from each of these four categories:
Appetizers: Takoyaki Balls, Fried Gyoza Dumplings, Popcorn Chicken, or Spicy Bamboo Shoots
Ramen: Signature bowls such as Tokyo Tonkotsu Shouyu, Sapporo Miso, Japanese Curry, or Chicken Ramen
Desserts: Matcha Pudding with Red Beans or Japanese Cherry Blossom Jelly
Drinks: Thai Iced Tea or Amazing Lemonade
I may try to check out the new Winchester location soon.
2) Eggnog has a lengthy history, and its connection to the holidays is at least a couple hundred years old, if not longer. You'll find plenty of commercially produced eggnogs on the market, but they just don't compete with homemade version. Want to make your own Eggnog this season? Then check out the recipe from Chef Joe Carli of A Tavola in Winchester. His special Eggnog Recipe was featured on Lexington Living. You can keep it nonalcoholic, or add your alcohol of choice. Chef Carli prefers some Bourbon, and I'd agree with him that it's an excellent choice.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Boston Wine School: Wine Festival at the Stone Zoo
Next year, on March 8, 2025, the Boston Wine School will be holding a Wine Festival at the Stone Zoo in Stoneham. You'll be able to taste 80+ wines from around the globe, along with food from a number of gourmet food partners. Plus, there will a number of wine classes offered, led by Boston Wine School founder Jonathon Alsop. offering an array of flavors to elevate your tasting experience. In addition, you get the chance to wander around the zoo, perusing the various animal exhibits.
The Wine Festival will be divided into two separate 2.5 hour sessions, one from 3pm-5:30pm and the other from 6pm-8:30pm. Tickets, which are purchased online, cost $65 per person. You can also purchase a VIP Ticket, for $99 per person, which allows you access to the special VIP line, so you can be one of the first to enter the event. VIP tickets also include a free entry to the "Come to Cheeses" wine class.
The Wine Festival will be divided into two separate 2.5 hour sessions, one from 3pm-5:30pm and the other from 6pm-8:30pm. Tickets, which are purchased online, cost $65 per person. You can also purchase a VIP Ticket, for $99 per person, which allows you access to the special VIP line, so you can be one of the first to enter the event. VIP tickets also include a free entry to the "Come to Cheeses" wine class.
There's even a Pride of Lions VIP Ticket, for $249 per person, which includes: Wine pairing dinner at Angelo's Ristorante in Stoneham on Friday, March 7, from 6-9pm; a VIP wine class on Saturday, March 8, from 2-3pm; a 3-5:30pm Festival ticket and Festival logo wine glass; Welcome bag from vendors with special discounts, samples, 2-for-1 wine tastings & classes, and more; Insulated logo grocery tote; Wine tasting journal; and a Free VIP raffle ticket.
There will be four Wine Tasting classes, each which costs $29 per person. The classes include Come To Cheeses and The Best New Wines, and each class is held twice.
Tickets to this Wine Festival would make for excellent holiday gifts.
Notes: All Guests must be at least 21 years of age. Parking is Free and the Zoo’s parking lot is directly in front of the entrance and there is also an overflow parking across Pond Street. The Wine Festival tickets are non-refundable and all sales are final.
The Boston Wine School was founded in 2000 by wine writer and author Jonathon Alsop, and its mission is to "make wine fun, inclusive, and accessible." The "school serves as a snob-free zone for wine lovers at all levels, from curious beginners to seasoned aficionados. The school’s guiding principle is that wine is not just for connoisseurs—it is for everyone."
Notes: All Guests must be at least 21 years of age. Parking is Free and the Zoo’s parking lot is directly in front of the entrance and there is also an overflow parking across Pond Street. The Wine Festival tickets are non-refundable and all sales are final.
The Boston Wine School was founded in 2000 by wine writer and author Jonathon Alsop, and its mission is to "make wine fun, inclusive, and accessible." The "school serves as a snob-free zone for wine lovers at all levels, from curious beginners to seasoned aficionados. The school’s guiding principle is that wine is not just for connoisseurs—it is for everyone."
I've attended a number of classes here in the past, and Jonathan is a knowledgeable, personable, and fun person. I believe this will be a very good event in a cool setting. What wine pairs with watching monkeys at play?
The Boston Wine Expo: Once Again In April 2025
The Boston Wine Expo is returning in 2025, back at the Park Plaza Hotel, on Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6. The 2-day event will feature over 100 participating wineries from all over the U.S. and select international ones as well. The new Expo is organized by Raffaele Scalzi, the Boston Wine Expo Show Director and Founder of Scalzi Hospitality Corporation.
There will be two Grand Tastings on both Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. At each Grand Tasting, you will be able to taste many different wines, to expand your palate and experience wines that are new to you. Please note that tickets to one Grand Tasting do not allow you access to any of the other Grand Tasting events. Tickets are now available HERE and cost $95 per person (the same price as last year).
There will be two Grand Tastings on both Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. At each Grand Tasting, you will be able to taste many different wines, to expand your palate and experience wines that are new to you. Please note that tickets to one Grand Tasting do not allow you access to any of the other Grand Tasting events. Tickets are now available HERE and cost $95 per person (the same price as last year).
There are also currently 4 Tasting Class events scheduled, including The Grand Crus of Spain, History/Evolution/Revolution--Australian Wine Today, Champagne-Beyond the Bubbles, and French Wine Essentials. Each class lasts 90 minutes, and tickets cost $75 per person. I'm sure that additional Tasting Classes will likely be added in the near future. So, just keep an eye on their website to learn what new Tasting Classes get added.
A list of the participating wineries and distributors has not yet been released. When that information becomes available, I will post an article with my own recommendations for the wine and spirit booths that Expo attendees should visit.
A list of the participating wineries and distributors has not yet been released. When that information becomes available, I will post an article with my own recommendations for the wine and spirit booths that Expo attendees should visit.
I've attended the last two Boston Wine Expos, and overall, I've been very pleased to see its return. It's a smaller, and more intimate event than what the Expo used to be when it was at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center. I have tasted numerous excellent wines at these events during the last two years. In the near future, I'll also post my advice and suggestions for making the most of your Boston Wine Expo experience.
For additional information, sponsorship + exhibitor opportunities, and to purchase tickets, please visit Boston Wine Expo.
Monday, December 16, 2024
The Final Monday Rant?
For over fifteen years, since June 2009, I've been posting my "Monday Morning Rants." When I began this regular column, I initially wrote: "Mondays often seem the most difficult day of the week, the start of the work week after the weekend. I hear more complaints from people about Monday than any other day of the week. And I too sometimes dread Mondays, especially after a particularly fun and relaxing weekend. So, maybe Mondays are the best day for a rant."
I also previously wrote, "There are issues about food, wine and spirits which sometimes irritate me, which irk me with their inanity. I get upset when soundbites are promoted over logic and analysis. Sometimes I get annoyed by rampant ignorance. Someone needs to step forward to speak out about those matters, to oppose these problems. And I am going to try to do just that, every Monday."
My Rants range from very important issues, such as Rant: DON'T DRINK & DRIVE.....OR ELSE! to relatively inconsequential matters, such as Rant: I Want Iced Tea In The Winter! Some Monday Rants are inspired by events or thoughts that occurred over the prior weekend, while others have percolated over time, finally getting turned into written thoughts.
As 2025 approaches, I've been pondering over my blog, assessing it, considering possible changes. Thus, I have been thinking about my Monday Rants. Are they still necessary? Do they still serve a purpose? Do my readers still want to read the rants? Can these rants still spark interesting conversations and debate?
I understand my own thoughts on this matter but want to hear from my readers. How do you feel about the Rants? Would you like to see them continue? Do you have suggestions for their improvement? Are there topics you would like to see me Rant about in 2025?
Friday, December 13, 2024
2024: Favorite Food-Related Items
Let me continue my lists of my best recommendations and favorite restaurants and food items of 2024, addressing my Favorite Food-Related Items. This is certainly not a complete list but it's more a sampling of memorable food items I've experienced and/or posted about over the past year. This is also a purely subjective list, based on my own preferences, and makes no claims about being the "best" of anything. But all of the items here have earned my strong recommendations and I hope you will enjoy them as well. For more food-related items, you can just search my blog posts for the past year.
Favorite Culinary School: NECAT is a local culinary school which trains people from challenging backgrounds, from ex-convicts to recovering addicts, from the homeless to the chronically unemployed. NECAT fills an important need for culinary help while helping numerous people achieve a better life. It is such a worthy school, helping to transform lives, and it really touches my heart. It helps individuals while also helping the community, and I continue, year after year, to try to raise awareness of NECAT so that its good work can continue and even expand. It's one of my favorite causes and is well worthy of your continued support.
Favorite Overall Bakery: Lulu's Bakery & Pantry, in Salem, offers a wide variety of sweet and savory treats, including a number with a West Virginia connection. The owners, Nikki & Jim, have excellent culinary resumes, and evidence the passion I seek. Pepperoni rolls, corn bread, biscuits, chocolates, cupcakes, muffins, sandwiches, and so much more. Their large Whoopie Pies are some of the best I've ever eaten, with almost a chewy brownie-like cookie filled with a sweet, creamy filling. Any time I visit the Salem area, I try to stop here to pick up something to take home. Highly recommended!
Runner-Up Overall Bakery: Quebrada Bakery, with four locations including one in Arlington where I most often patronize, has my favorite Snickerdoodles cookies anywhere. You can even buy the frozen cookie dough to easily cook the Snickerdoodles at home. They have plenty of other delicious baked goods, from croissants to pecan rolls. And on one of my most recent trips, I tried their Whoopie Pie, which was excellent, with a soft chocolate cake sandwiching a very creamy filling.
Runner-Up Overall Bakery: Sandpiper Bakery in Ipswich was a new find to me this year. Their small Whoopie Pies were also delicious, but they don't seem to have them on a regular basis. Their Croissants are superb, buttery and flaky, and I especially love the Ham & Cheese croissants. They have plenty of other fresh and delicious baked goods. The bakery is a bit hidden, but is well worth seeking out.
Favorite Greek Bakery: Greek Habits by Eva, with locations in Arlington (which just opened in 2024) and Peabody, is an impressive spot. Their Handmade Greek Pies, such as Ham & Cheese and Spinach, have a tasty flaky crust, and plenty of fillings. The warm Bougatsa, a Greek custard pie (pictured above), is amazing! They also sell a variety of pastries, many Greek, but also other interesting ones, including plenty of chocolate treats. In addition, they have a number of appealing sandwiches, such as Bifteki, Smoked Salmon, and Caprese.
Favorite Bread Bakery: Mamadou's Artisan Bakery, in Winchester, is my favorite spot for fresh, delicious breads, especially their Sesame Semolina. They also produce excellent Croissants and Chocolate Chip cookies. It's a small take-out spot, open Wednesday to Sunday, and run by very nice people. Get there early each day for the best selection.
Favorite Donut Shop: Donuts With A Difference, in Medford, is an old-school donut shop that still makes their donuts in-house. They make more traditional donuts, and not the fancy ones available at some of the newer donut shops. Their donuts are fresh and delicious, and frequently even still warm. They are also very inexpensive, roughly half the price of many other donut shops. I especially love their Coffee Rolls!
Favorite Seafood Market: The Ipswich Shellfish Fish Market, which is only open on Fridays and Saturdays, is an excellent spot for seafood, both fresh and frozen. The fresh fish looks great, is reasonably priced, and tastes delicious. They have a good variety of seafood, all dependent on what's seasonally available. Their frozen seafood is also very good, such as their Swordfish steaks and Shrimp. Plus, their home-made corn bread is delicious! I've shopped there numerous times this year, and have always enjoyed everything I've bought. As I've said many times, you need to Eat More Seafood, and this is a great place to buy your fish.
Favorite Japanese Food Market: Maruichi (with locations in Arlington, Brookline and Connecticut) is an excellent Japanese grocery store, and I usually go to their Arlington location. It offers a diverse selection of Japanese foods, fresh and frozen, as well as plenty of fresh vegetables, including some Asian varieties. Their meat selection is compelling and they have a superb selection of sushi-grade fish. You can get sushi meals, onigiri, and other dishes made in-house. Plus, there's a wide range of Japanese foods, from tea to sauces, candy to chips, breads and pastries, and much more. And their prices are generally very reasonable.
Favorite Restaurant Recovery: In July, two days after enjoying lunch at the Jana Grill & Bakery in Watertown, a truck slammed into the restaurant, forcing it to shut down. The restaurant serves delicious Armenian, Georgian, Slavic and Mediterranean cuisine. One of my favorite dishes there is the Ajarian Khachapuri, a Georgian cheese bread (pictured above). Fortunately, the restaurant has made repairs and reopened this month. I look forward to dining there again.
Most Anticipated New Restaurant: The Xenia Hospitality Group, which is behind Krasi, Bar Vlaha, Greco and Hecate (some of my favorite spots), has recently opened Kaia, in the South End, a Greek restaurant centered on the cuisine of the Aegean. I attended an opening preview but haven't dined there yet. However, based on their prior restaurants, I expect great things from Kaia, and will be making it one of my first restaurants visits in 2025.
Favorite Barbecue Sauce: Last Spring, A Tavola held a Bourbon & BBQ dinner, and Sous Chef David Paige created a BBQ sauce for some of the dishes. The recipe is about seven-years old, and David has been tweaking it over the years, improving it with time. The dishes were delicious, and I enjoyed the tang and complexity of the sauce. Fortunately, they also sold bottles of the BBQ sauce and I bought a couple to take home. I've since used the sauce for a few different dishes, such as steak tips, and it has been a great addition. The restaurant has continued to sell this sauce by the bottle and I highly recommend you purchase some. It would make a great holiday gift.
Food History Articles: During the pandemic, it was tough for many food and drink writers, as restaurants were closed and large scale food and drink events were canceled. Some writers simply wrote sporadically. However, for myself, I've devoted many hours to researching and writing numerous historical food articles, combing through thousands of newspapers and books. I've especially delved into the origins of numerous foods, trying to seek out their true origins, and not just accepting the unsubstantiated claims of others. I've continued to do so, finding great joy in the research and discoveries that I've found. Here are the historical food articles I completed this past year. And I have been working on a few more articles which will see light in early 2025.
- The Origins of Spaghetti Alla Carbonara
- Hot Dog Joe: From Simple Hot Dog Vendor to National Celebrity
- George Clemmons: Hot Dogs & Murder Accusations
- The Origins of Chicken Fingers: Traditional & Chinese
- The Origins of Chicken Fried Steak
- Hummingbird Muffins: Some History
- The History of Cashew Chicken & Springfield-Style Cashew Chicken
- The Origins of the Frozen Drumstick & Nutty Buddy
- The Origins of the Orange Julius: Who Actually Invented It?
Favorite Old Tradition (Which Needs a Revival): In 2022, while researching some other items, I stumbled upon a fascinating old Thanksgiving tradition, having donuts on your Thanksgiving table! This tradition extends back at least to the 1830s, and lasted for over 100 years, until the 1940s. It apparently started in New England, but expanded across the entire country, even to Hawaii. It's time to revive this tradition! For the last two Thanksgivings, I've been having donuts as part of my Thanksgiving table and have been encouraging others to do the same, some who have also adopted this tradition. Hopefully in 2025, even more people will embrace this old tradition. Who wouldn't love donuts on Thanksgiving?
Unfortunate Restaurant News: The Moldova Restaurant, which has been one of my favorite restaurants, will be closing its doors on December 29, 2024. They have stated, "Business conditions in 2024 have made it unfeasible to continue operating the restaurant as a business, and as a result we have lost our lease." This was such a unique and delicious restaurant, the only restaurant I know in the area which presented Moldovan cuisine. They will be surely missed. I wish the owners, Artur & Sandra Andronic, the best of luck in the future and hope they will return soon with another culinary endeavor.
What were some of your favorite food-related items this year?
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Thursday Sips & Nibbles
I'm back again with a new edition of Sips & Nibbles, my regular column where I highlight some interesting, upcoming food and drink events. I hope everyone dines out safely, tips well and are nice to their servers.
1) On Wednesday, December 18th, at 6pm, the Blue Ox welcomes guests to a special Beer Dinner, paired with a multi-course meal designed to enhance the flavors of each bite. This multi-course meal will include a reception, followed by a first, second, third, and fourth course, and finished off with dessert.
The new brunch menu includes dishes such as:
Steak and Egg – 12 oz. Piedmontese rib eye, over-easy egg, fennel slaw and golden fries
Citrus Waffle – Whipped citrus mascarpone, lemon curd, chocolate fudge
Di Parma Mozzarella Waffle Ham – Calabrian honey, fontina cheese, parmesan and arugula
Caponata Focaccia – Two fried eggs, pomegranate molasses, pine nuts, arugula and basil
To end your brunch experience on a sweet note, you can select from either a Tiramisu, Panna Cotta or a traditional Piedmontese region specialty, a Bonet, chocolate egg custard, caramel, amaretto cookie dessert.
To enhance the experience, Matria also offers complimentary parking for all brunch guests.
Make reservations HERE.
3) For a limited time, Kane's Donuts will prepare Sufganiyot donuts in honor of Hanukkah from Wednesday, December 25th, through Tuesday, January 2nd. This traditional holiday dessert is a black raspberry jelly-filled donut, with Kane's famous light yeast dough sprinkled with powdered sugar and an extra dollop of jelly on top. The donuts are available for pre-order by the dozen for $25 at Kane's Rt. 1, Lincoln Avenue, and Boston locations. Donuts can be ordered HERE.
1) On Wednesday, December 18th, at 6pm, the Blue Ox welcomes guests to a special Beer Dinner, paired with a multi-course meal designed to enhance the flavors of each bite. This multi-course meal will include a reception, followed by a first, second, third, and fourth course, and finished off with dessert.
The reception features a Pilsner Urquell from the Czech Republic. The first course consists of Duck Rillettes, with warm brie and crostini. This will be served with St. Bernardus from Belgium. The light second course is a winter salad with mixed greens, dried cherries, pears, crumbled blue cheese, candied walnuts, and a maple vinaigrette. This salad is paired with Weihenstephaner, a Bavarian Wheat Beer from Germany. Following this, The Blue Ox will serve Pan Roasted Quail with mashed sweet potato and pan jus with herbs. A Christmas Ale from Great Lakes Brewing in Ohio will accompany this. The last course before dessert will be an Ox Shephard’s Pie - stock simmered pork, lamb and beef, carrots, onions, tomatoes, parmesan with butter, and sage mashed potato crust. An Irish red ale from Massachusetts will be served with this meal. Lastly, dessert will be a Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting, paired with a double IPA from Bell’s in Michigan.
The cost is $129 per person (which includes tax and gratuity) and you can purchase tickets HERE.
2) Matria, a Piedmont-inspired steakhouse, is launching brunch service, beginning Saturday, December 14th. Brunch will be available every Saturday and Sunday from 12 PM to 2 PM.
The cost is $129 per person (which includes tax and gratuity) and you can purchase tickets HERE.
2) Matria, a Piedmont-inspired steakhouse, is launching brunch service, beginning Saturday, December 14th. Brunch will be available every Saturday and Sunday from 12 PM to 2 PM.
The new brunch menu includes dishes such as:
Steak and Egg – 12 oz. Piedmontese rib eye, over-easy egg, fennel slaw and golden fries
Citrus Waffle – Whipped citrus mascarpone, lemon curd, chocolate fudge
Di Parma Mozzarella Waffle Ham – Calabrian honey, fontina cheese, parmesan and arugula
Caponata Focaccia – Two fried eggs, pomegranate molasses, pine nuts, arugula and basil
To end your brunch experience on a sweet note, you can select from either a Tiramisu, Panna Cotta or a traditional Piedmontese region specialty, a Bonet, chocolate egg custard, caramel, amaretto cookie dessert.
To enhance the experience, Matria also offers complimentary parking for all brunch guests.
Make reservations HERE.
3) For a limited time, Kane's Donuts will prepare Sufganiyot donuts in honor of Hanukkah from Wednesday, December 25th, through Tuesday, January 2nd. This traditional holiday dessert is a black raspberry jelly-filled donut, with Kane's famous light yeast dough sprinkled with powdered sugar and an extra dollop of jelly on top. The donuts are available for pre-order by the dozen for $25 at Kane's Rt. 1, Lincoln Avenue, and Boston locations. Donuts can be ordered HERE.
Sufganiyot is a traditional cross between a beignet and a pillowy jelly donut and is eaten worldwide during the eight nights of Hannukah. It's said that fried treats are a good fit for a holiday focused on oil, commemorating the miracle of one night of oil lasting for eight.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
2024: My Top 50 Favorite Restaurants
As 2025 approaches, it's time once again to reflect upon the past year, to remember and savor pleasant memories. Yesterday, I posted My Top Four Favorite Restaurants & Three New Favorites of 2024. It's time now to cover my Top 50 Favorite Restaurants of 2024. This list includes those Massachusetts places where I'm sure to always have a delicious meal, whether a casual breakfast or a high-end French dinner. These are the places I seem to recommend the most to others, including some places where I dine on a regular basis.
Please also note that this is also not a list of the "Best" restaurants, but my own personal favorites, however I suspect most people will agree that the restaurants on this list are worthy of your attention. And if you dine at any of these places based on my recommendation, please let them know.
There are thousands of restaurants in the Boston+ area and just because a place is not on my list doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend it. This is only a small list, and can't include every good restaurant. Plus, there are some worthy restaurants that I haven't yet dined at, or reviewed, and I hope to remedy that in 2025. For more Restaurant reviews, you can just search my blog posts for the past year.
Support the Restaurant Industry: The restaurant industry was devastated by this pandemic, especially as the federal government didn't do enough to aid and assist the industry. Some restaurants have closed permanently and others may still be forced to do so in the future. In addition, food and labor costs have increased significantly since then, making restaurants more expensive. We need to support our favorite restaurants as much as we are capable, from buying gift cards to ordering take-out, from getting delivery to tipping well. If you have a positive dining experience, tell your family and friends. Spread the word on social media. Give them your support!
Many of these places have been listed on prior Favorite Lists, some for multiple years, and are all worthy of recognition and recommendation. There are also some new Favorites, places I only recently encountered but which I know I will be returning frequently. Please note that this list doesn't include the restaurants which I previously recommended in my first favorites list of this year.
There are thousands of restaurants in the Boston+ area and just because a place is not on my list doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend it. This is only a small list, and can't include every good restaurant. Plus, there are some worthy restaurants that I haven't yet dined at, or reviewed, and I hope to remedy that in 2025. For more Restaurant reviews, you can just search my blog posts for the past year.
Butter UR Biscuit: Delicious biscuit sandwiches. Love the Cheesy Bird Biscuit.
Soall Viet Kitchen: Excellent Vietnamese cuisine. Some of my favorite dishes include their plump Shrimp Summer Rolls, the crispy Sweet Potato & Shrimp Fritters, the tasty Steamed Pork Bao, and the alluring Chicken Clay Pot.
Bistro du Midi: A fine French bistro.
Bistro du Midi: A fine French bistro.
Committee Ouzeri & Bar: Tasty Greek cuisine with a nice Greek wine list.
Dumpling Cafe: In Chinatown, one of my favorite spots for Soup Dumplings. Mooncusser Fish House/Cusser's Roast Beef: Two restaurants in one, with a high-end seafood restaurant and a casual roast beef sandwich spot.
Myers & Chang: Still consistently excellent with creative Asian cuisine.
Prezza: Excellent Italian cuisine. One of the best in the North End.
Select Oyster Bar: Top notch seafood restaurant.
Select Oyster Bar: Top notch seafood restaurant.
Taberna de Haro: Spanish tapas with a huge Spanish wine list, and a compelling Sherry list. Almost every time I'm in the area, I stop by at least for a glass of Sherry.
The Bancroft: One of my favorite steakhouses, and a great spot for lunch too.
Taberna de Haro: Spanish tapas with a huge Spanish wine list, and a compelling Sherry list. Almost every time I'm in the area, I stop by at least for a glass of Sherry.
The Bancroft: One of my favorite steakhouses, and a great spot for lunch too.
Feng Shui: Tasty Chinese and Japanese cuisine, with a buffet on the weekends.
Karma Asian Fusion Cuisine: High-end Asian spot with amazing Sushi.
Row 34: An excellent, high-end seafood restaurant. I even love their Tuna Melt.
Sichuan Gourmet: Authentic Sichuan cuisine.Việt Citron: Casual Vietnamese restaurant serving primarily delicious Bahn Mi and Pho. Their Crispy Pork Belly Bahn Mi is excellent.
Puritan & Co.: Modern American cuisine for dinner and an excellent Brunch.
Sumiao Hunan Kitchen: Authentic Hunan cuisine and a place to explore Baijiu.
Tampopo: A tiny spot for tasty and inexpensive Japanese cuisine.
Puritan & Co.: Modern American cuisine for dinner and an excellent Brunch.
Sumiao Hunan Kitchen: Authentic Hunan cuisine and a place to explore Baijiu.
Tampopo: A tiny spot for tasty and inexpensive Japanese cuisine.
Pammy's: New American cuisine with an Italian accent.
Peruvian Taste Restaurant: A casual spot, serving delicious and authentic Peruvian cuisine, including Chifa, a combination of Peruvian and Chinese cuisine.
Tambo 22: A high-end Peruvian restaurant with excellent food and a killer bar program. Pisco Sours!
Nick & Andy's: One of my favorite Breakfast spots, which very reasonable prices. Love their fresh-baked muffins and hashbrowns, as well as their Chicken & Waffles.
Clam Box of Ipswich: My favorite clam shack on the North Shore, providing such delicious, fresh fried seafood. On Fridays, they often have Fried Lobster Tails, such a decadent treat.
All Seasons Table: Excellent Asian cuisine, including sushi.
District Kitchen: Excellent spot for Chinese cuisine, from Soup Dumplings to Dan Dan Noodles.
Bistro 5: Delicious Italian cuisine. Lots of special seasonal menus.
Bistro 5: Delicious Italian cuisine. Lots of special seasonal menus.
Liberty Bell Roast Beef: I often dine here, or get take-out, enjoying their tasty roast beef sandwiches or crispy chicken fingers.
Thai Chili Basil: Tasty takeout Thai spot. Love the Chiangmai Noodles.
Farm Grill & Rotisserie: Casual Greek spot with delicious gyros, lamb dishes, and more.
Endless Hibachi & Sushi: All you can eat Sushi, Japanese appetizers and Hibachi. One of the best deals in the area.
Ithaki: Delicious Greek cuisine and wine.
Pellana Prime Steakhouse: Another of my favorite steakhouses.
Bambolina & Kokeshi: Where else can you find delicious wood-fired pizza and ramen in the same place? Bambolina and Kokeshi are two restaurants, under the same ownership, which also share the same space.
Prince Pizzeria: A 60+ year old pizza restaurant, and probably the place where I've had lunch the most amount of times this past year. I've been dining there since I was a child, and I still love their pizza, meatballs (and new meatball egg rolls!), and other Italian dishes.
Yakitori Totto: Excellent yakitori (grilled meats, seafood, and veggies) as well as other Japanese dishes. So much variety available, and prices are reasonable.
Ailaa Himalayan Bar: Intriguing and delicious Himalayan cuisine.
Anthony's Italian Specialties: Their sandwiches are tasty and huge, filled with plenty of meat and/or veggies, and the quality of their meat and produce is excellent. One sandwich can feed two people.
Fusion Taste: Tasty Chinese and Japanese cuisine, and a place I regularly get take-out.
B.T.'s Smokehouse: Tasty barbecue spot, and their fried chicken is one of my favorites. Plus, they are a BYOB spot so you can bring your own wine or beer.
Coach Grill: Another of my favorite steakhouses.
Gene's Chinese Flatbread Cafe: Tiny Chinese spot with delicious home-made noodles, dumpling soup, and lamb skewers.
China Sky: Tasty Chinese and Japanese dishes, including sushi. Their Sesame Chicken is probably the most delicious example of this dish I've eaten.
Ristorante Lucia: Old-school Italian spot, with superb pizza which doesn't receive anywhere near the amount of recognition that it deserves.
Gene's Chinese Flatbread Cafe: Tiny Chinese spot with delicious home-made noodles, dumpling soup, and lamb skewers.
Flip The Bird: Fast-casual spot for delicious fried chicken sandwiches
Hahaha Chicken: Casual spot for tasty Korean Fried Chicken.
Shake Shack: My fast casual burger joint of choice. I usually go to either their Woburn or Burlington locations.
Surf Seafood: Excellent seafood dishes. Their Portuguese Seafood Stew is amazing.
What were some of your Favorite Restaurants this year?
Monday, December 9, 2024
2024: My Top Four Favorite Restaurants & Three New Favorites
As 2025 approaches, it's time once again to reflect upon the past year, to remember and savor pleasant memories. It's the time for my Annual Year-End Favorite lists, from restaurants to wine. And I'm starting this year with my Top Four Favorite Restaurants of 2024 & Three New Favorites. These end-of-the-year lists should provide a comprehensive summary of my favorites, allowing my readers to more readily locate such gems, the best of my recommendations.
I'll note that last year this list included only my Top Three Favorite Restaurants. However, this year, another restaurant has risen to the top of my attention, thoroughly impressing me with its consistent excellence. It's more than worthy of being on this list, but the other three restaurants already on the list remain worthy as well. So, this year, I chose to make this a Top Four list, to accommodate this new Top Favorite.
Nightshade Noodle Bar (Lynn)
Il Ponte (Woburn)
Chef Beni Kurti of Il Ponte has brought his deep passion, lengthy culinary experience, and charm to Woburn. It's a homey restaurant, with a casual elegance, and the Italian cuisine is top notch, from home-made pasta dishes to exquisite Neapolitan pizza. During this past year, I've thoroughly enjoyed so many different dishes here, such as the Lamb Lollipop Milanese (pictured above_. Their Swordfish Puttanesca, which is a Special all the time, is amazing, an ample piece of tender and moist Swordfish with a compelling puttanesca sauce. Service is excellent, the servers being genuinely personable and attentive, without being obtrusive. It's consistently superb and every person I've recommended has raved about their own dining experience. Besides dining there numerous times this year, I also celebrated my birthday there and it was a memorable event. Il Ponte also recently added a special Gelato machine, and the gelato is silky and delicious. There's no need to drive into Boston for Italian cuisine with restaurants such as Il Ponte north of Boston.
There are a few other new restaurants I've dined at this past year, but for which I haven't yet written reviews, but which are still worthy of recognition. They include Sogne (Woburn, Italian cuisine), Fiorella's Cucina (Burlington, Italian cuisine), Adega Restaurant (Woburn, Portuguese), Bar Mezzana (Boston, Italian cuisine) and Feather & Wedge (Rockport, Seafood). Reviews of these restaurants are likely to come in 2025.
This list is also in no particular order, and is purely a subjective list, based on my own preferences, and makes no claims about being the "best" of anything. However, all of the restaurants here earn my heartiest recommendation and I hope you'll enjoy them as well, as so many others have done. For more Restaurant reviews, you can just search my blog posts for the past year.
My Top Four Favorite Restaurants are those exceptional spots which are consistently excellent, offering great food and drink as well as top notch service. These are the four places which first come to my mind when I want a celebratory dinner, or just want a sublime dining experience. They receive my unqualified highest recommendation. These are also the restaurants I most frequently recommend to others when I'm asked for my top restaurants. And those people who then go to these restaurants usually become big fans of these restaurants too.
My Top Four Favorite Restaurants are those exceptional spots which are consistently excellent, offering great food and drink as well as top notch service. These are the four places which first come to my mind when I want a celebratory dinner, or just want a sublime dining experience. They receive my unqualified highest recommendation. These are also the restaurants I most frequently recommend to others when I'm asked for my top restaurants. And those people who then go to these restaurants usually become big fans of these restaurants too.
Part of the Xenia Greek Hospitality group, this Greek restaurant is amazing, where nearly every innovative dish is exceptional. Their menu consists of a wide selection of small plates, perfect for sharing, and offers creative Greek cuisine, with roots in tradition but it's not afraid to experiment. Their Greek wine list, the largest in the country, is superb with so many delicious and interesting options. Service is excellent, and the servers are very knowledgeable of the food and wine. Krasi never disappoints.
Offering inventive and delicious French/Vietnamese inspired-cuisine, with their own unique spin, this restaurant offers Tasting Menus, ranging from 7-30 courses. Their dishes are exceptional, bursting with flavor, and creatively composed. Plus, they have an excellent wine list and cocktail program. I like their homey vibe, service is always excellent, and they have an open kitchen, which I've always loved. They recently instituted a 30 course tasting menu and one of my desires for 2025 is to partake of that epic dinner. Be adventurous with your palate and you'll be amply rewarded.
This excellent Italian restaurant in Winchester first made my Top Three list last year, and it continues to impress. Chef Joe Carli is very talented and personable, and his Italian cuisine is as good as anything you'll find in the North End. The restaurant is still relatively small and intimate, although this year they enlarged their space a bit, adding a small bar and some additional tables. Much of the sourcing is from local farms. I especially love their superb home-made pasta dishes, as well as when they have Duck Wings as a special. Their wine list concentrates on Italian wines, and there are many good choices. You also should check out their event list, which includes fun and tasty wine dinners and cocktail classes, like the A Tour of Italian Noble Grapes and BBQ & Bourbon events I attended this year.
Chef Beni Kurti of Il Ponte has brought his deep passion, lengthy culinary experience, and charm to Woburn. It's a homey restaurant, with a casual elegance, and the Italian cuisine is top notch, from home-made pasta dishes to exquisite Neapolitan pizza. During this past year, I've thoroughly enjoyed so many different dishes here, such as the Lamb Lollipop Milanese (pictured above_. Their Swordfish Puttanesca, which is a Special all the time, is amazing, an ample piece of tender and moist Swordfish with a compelling puttanesca sauce. Service is excellent, the servers being genuinely personable and attentive, without being obtrusive. It's consistently superb and every person I've recommended has raved about their own dining experience. Besides dining there numerous times this year, I also celebrated my birthday there and it was a memorable event. Il Ponte also recently added a special Gelato machine, and the gelato is silky and delicious. There's no need to drive into Boston for Italian cuisine with restaurants such as Il Ponte north of Boston.
I want to now address those restaurants, which were new to me this year, and impressed me. These are definitely restaurants I want to dine at again, and which are worthy of a hearty recommendation.
XOXO Sushi Bar (Chestnut Hill)
This high-end Sushi spot opened in March and it's a superb spot, offering some of the best Sushi in the area. They serve Edomae-style sushi, which includes the used of aged and preserved fish, and they even have an intriguing glass case behind the sushi bar showing the aged fish. They serve other Japanese specialties as well, and they are as delicious as their sushi offerings. Their beverage program, from Sake to cocktails, is excellent as well. This is a restaurant well worth a splurge.
Greco (Burlington)
I was very excited this past year when a branch of the Greco chain opened at the Burlington Mall. I've been a fan since the first Greco opened in 2017 on Newbury Street. It's a fast casual restaurant, specializing in Gyros and Loukoumades (Greek donuts!). Everything is made fresh, so you can enjoy whatever your food preference. You can opt for a Pita, Plate or Salad, with both meat and veggie options. The Greco Fries, with French fries topped by feta cheese, are delicious. And you have to end your meal with sweet Loukoumades, available own three flavors.
There's only 3 Filipino restaurants in the Boston+ area, and Pinot Kabayan is the only one in Boston proper. This new restaurant is a fast-casual spot which does plenty of take-out. The food is authentic, delicious and reasonably priced. Many of the dishes are very approachable, such as Tocino (sweet cured pork) and Tapa (Filipino jerky) while other dishes are for the more adventurous. For example, Dinuguan, which roughly translates "bloody soup or stew," is commonly made with pork, offal and pork blood. However, I found it delicious, especially atop some garlic rice. I eagerly look forward to dining there again soon.
What were some of your Favorite Restaurants this year?
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