Monday, February 23, 2009

Poll Results on Greek Wines

My recent poll titled "What Is Your Experience With Greek Wines?" has now ended. So what were the results? How did their wines fare? Unlike the poll on the Finger Lakes, the results did not offer any significant surprises. But it did show that Greek wines seem to be doing well with those who have tasted them.

Based on the responses, Greek wines still have not penetrated far to wine lovers. About 27.5% of the respondents have never tried a Greek wine. That means to me that Greek wines need to make their presence known much better than they are doing now. About 49.5% of the respondents have only tried a few wines and only 22% have tried a fair share of Greek wines.

But, of those who have tried Greek wines, 60% have liked most of the wines and 35% have liked some and disliked others. Only 5% disliked most of the Greek wines they have tasted. This indicates to me that Greek wines are popular with wine lovers, once they take the opportunity to taste them. So, if Greek wines can become more accessible, if they are more prominent in local tastings and wine stores, then they should be appealing to wine lovers. This is supported by the fact that approximately 60% of the respondents wanted to try more wines from this region.

Please post more detail about your experiences with Greek wines in the comments.


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